Oregon has seventh cheapest utility costs in U.S., no thanks to internet prices: ranking

Oregon has seventh cheapest utility costs in U.S., no thanks to internet prices: ranking

By Douglas Perry | The Oregonian/OregonLive | Posted October 31, 2018 at 07:19 AM

This being the age of easy data, there's always something that can be sorted, compared and put into a list. The latest subject: utilities.
Relocation company Move.org (not to be confused with the political-activist outfit MoveOn.org) decided to figure out which states pay the most and least for utilities: electricity, natural gas, internet, cable and water. (Some traditionalists might not think internet and cable should be considered utilities, but, hey, this is the 21st century.)
And Oregon came out looking pretty good. Here's what Move.org had to say about the state:
"Inexpensive electricity and natural gas costs make Oregon a very affordable state for utilities. Although its average internet price isn't the cheapest around, it isn't expensive enough to negate the benefits of its other low-cost utilities." (Oregon's average internet cost ranks 20th in the U.S.)

Get the breakdown here: https://www.oregonlive.com/expo/news/erry-2018/10/012a9f7aa9677/oregon-has-seventh-cheapest-ut.htmle: 

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