Owners Place High Value on Good Yards

Owners Place High Value on Good Yards


Don't underestimate the importance of a beautiful yard to home owners and their neighbors. 84 percent of adults say that the quality of a home's landscape and yard would affect their decision on whether to purchase a home or not, according to a new survey of more than 2,000 adults conducted by the National Association of Landscape Professionals.

The majority of Americans want to live amid nice landscaping. The survey found that 91 percent of Americans believe it is important to live in close proximity to trees, grass, or nice landscaping. Midwesterners are the most likely to rate the importance of landscaping the highest (at 94%), followed by the West (89%) and Northeast (87%).

"Across the board, the survey reveals that Americans deeply value surrounding natural elements and yards where they can spend time outside their homes," according to the National Association of Landscape Professionals.
Eighty-four percent of home owners surveyed said that it is important to have their yard well-maintained, and 71 percent also say it's important for their neighbors to have well-maintained landscapes as well. But the survey finds that only 33 percent of Americans say they believe they have the knowledge and skills to keep their lawn and plants healthy and appealing.

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