Keep or Toss: Outdoor Spaces Edition

Keep or Toss: Outdoor Spaces Edition

In this installment of our “Keep or Toss” series, we’re re-doing this spacious backyard garden and sitting area. What would you keep? And toss? We’re also sharing three quick tips for maintaining your garden once you have it looking just right!
  • Orange Outdoor Furniture: The splash of color provided by this bright seated area really pops against the green surrounding shrubbery. The fire pit is an added bonus – and will make the area a great family focal point on cool summer nights.
  • Stone Pathway: We would keep the cobblestone pathway leading up to the stairs. The stones make the backyard oasis an easily accessible area at any time of day or night. We might consider installingpath lights along the edges of the walkway, however, to make a clear distinction of where it ends and the yard begins.
  • Iron Loveseat: The loveseat pictured looks weathered and out of place. Toss the old one and replace it with a modern stone bench or a couple colorful Adirondack chairs, or scrap the seat all together and install a cool outdoor lantern to highlight and frame the koi pond instead.
  • Overgrown Shrubbery: Anyone walking out to this backyard scene would be overwhelmed with all the green! Toss some of the overgrown, unmanageable shrubbery in the garden and replace it with easily maintained, brightly colored flowers.
And here are some easy tips to maintain you’re newly renovated outdoor space:
  1. Install a rain gaugeThis will help you keep track of how much water your plants are getting, letting you know when you need to break out the hose and give mother nature a hand!
  2. Feed the soil. Healthy soil yields healthy plants, which last longer and grow taller. You can purchase soil feed at your local home improvement store, or go organic and start your own compost pile at home!
  3. Keep it clean. Get rid of dead or dying plants to protect the healthy ones. Sometimes, you’ll only need to remove a couple leaves, other times the whole plant. Either way one plant is a small price to pay for a luscious backyard garden.
What would you do to keep this garden space looking pristine? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter!

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