Homeowners Aren’t Shy When It Comes to DIY

Homeowners Aren’t Shy When It Comes to DIY

January 4, 2019

Many homeowners are attracted to do-it-yourself home projects, particularly members of younger generations, according to the National Association of REALTORS®’ “2019 Remodeling Impact Report: DIY.” In fact, homeowners may even be happier when they DIY than when they hire a professional to handle a project.
Homeowners reported a “joy score” of 9.9 for projects they do themselves (joy scores range from 1 to 10, with higher scores indicating greater joy). Projects completed by professionals rate slightly below, with a 9.6 joy score. Homeowners who take on projects themselves report a greater sense of accomplishment with a finished project, too.
The top reason homeowners who participated in the survey cited for undertaking a DIY project is increasing the functionality and livability of the home. That's followed by increasing the home’s aesthetics or adding durable, long-lasting materials and appliances, the survey found.
“One of the pleasures of homeownership is the ability to take on projects to customize a house that truly make it your own,” says John Smaby, NAR’s president.
Nearly three-fourths of Generation Y and millennials, as well as more than half of Generation X and baby boomers, choose to do DIY home projects.
Consumers are more likely to take on a DIY project for a pet than to undertake a general home project on their own, according to the survey. The most popular pet-driven renovations were fence and laminate floor installation, and the addition of dog doors.

When to Hire a Professional and When to D.I.Y.
© National Association of REALTORS®
2019 Remodeling Impact Report: DIY,” National Association of REALTORS(R) (Jan. 3, 2019)  
Source: https://magazine.realtor/daily-news/2019/01/04/homeowners-aren-t-shy-when-it-comes-to-diy

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