Whitney Minnich is a professional Realtor and Broker with John L. Scott Real Esate serving the greater Portland, OR area. For more information visit www.whitneyminnich.com
Millennials Prefer Single-Family Homes Too DAILY REAL ESTATE NEWS | MONDAY, JULY 06, 2015 A growing body of research is discrediting what was previously assumed about millennials' taste for real estate. Many housing analysts said this generation of young adults preferred small, urban walkable corridors, but recent studies are revealing a different preference. Millennials, just like previous generations, are showing a strong preference for single-family homes, according to a new Housing Insights report released by Fannie Mae's Economic & Strategic Research Group. Researchers examined the rates at which young households are occupying single-family homes today and also compared it to young adults' preferences prior to the housing crash. "The analysis reveals that the likelihood of a millennial household occupying a single-family home today is down somewhat from that of young adults at the peak of the housing boom, but is no different than it was for...
WANT TO SEE inside Portland’s weirdest, wildest, most wonderful, and whimsical? $30 will get you a secret map + wristband with directions to explore some very weird houses on a self-paced, self-guided tour that treats you to some of Oregon’s most remarkable and creative homes. SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, June 30, 2018 from 10am-6pm Portland's weirdest homes will open their doors, and the creative residents will share stories about where they live. Which just happens to be some of the most peculiar places in Oregon. SUPPORT AFFORDABLE HOUSING: 10% of sales go directly to Central City Concern , a local Portland nonprofit supporting affordable housing. DID YOU KNOW: Weird Homes Tour launched in 2014 in Austin, Texas and since expanded to cities like Houston, New Orleans, Detroit and now Portland too! With Austin Monthly Magazine naming it the “Best Home Tour in Austin” and The Austin Chronicle listing the tour as one of the Top 10 Art Events of 2017. Purchase your ticke...