A Home Where Someone Died: Does That Need to Be Disclosed?
A Home Where Someone Died: Does That Need to Be Disclosed? October 31, 2018 You’re trying to sell a home that a former owner passed away in. Must you reveal that to home buyers, and will it give some buyers the creeps? In the majority of cases, with a peaceful death inside a home, “there’s no legal obligation in most states requiring that [sellers] disclose it,” Jason Wells, a real estate professional and attorney at Wells Law Group in Phoenix. Indeed, the majority of states do not require sellers or their real estate agents to disclose incidents such as homicides, felonies, suicides, or natural deaths in a property, or any rumored paranormal activity associated with the home, according to HomeLight, a real estate referral company. Certainly, there are some exceptions to that, including California, South Dakota, and Alaska. For example, in California, any death on a property in the last three years must be disclosed to buyers. Check with your state’s housi...