Survey: Homeownership Still Hallmark of American Dream
Survey: Homeownership Still Hallmark of American Dream March 6, 2019 The majority of Americans—79 percent recently surveyed—still believe that owning a home is a vital component of achieving the American dream, according to a survey of more than 2,000 consumers. Americans placed achieving homeownership ahead of retirement (68 percent), having a successful career (63 percent), and owning an automobile (58 percent), according to the survey. While the majority of respondents rated ownership high, they do see several challenges to overcome to achieve it. About half of the survey’s respondents say they don’t own a home because they can’t afford it on their income. Four in 10 Americans say they don’t own because they can’t afford a down payment and closing costs, while one-third cite high home prices as the major obstacle. But a rigid savings plan could put more consumers into homeownership. “Put yourself on financial lockdown for at least ...